Lake Daniels & Transport

  • Can anyone out there please tell me if there is anyone around the entrance to lake Daniels that will drop you off and pick you up or a safe place to park you car as I am not to keen on leaving a vehicle parked here due to vandalism in this area. any thoughts would be welcomed. Thanks
  • Hi Ive been to Lake Daniels a few times and never had a problem with safety or security of the car.......but I believe the service station at Springs Junction will arrange travel for you if you give them a call and enough notice. I know they do for trampers going to Lake Cristobel. Cheers
  • Hey thanks very much for that Dave I will check that out I contacted the motels at springs junction about a week ago and havent heard a thing yet, I also contacted Maruia springs Hotel last night and got a reply back today saying they do car storage for $5 per night and $18 per trip for a drop off and pick up to the start of the track so that was good of them. I was just a nervous about leaving my vehicle unatended for a period of time at the start of the track so its good that there are other options to choose from. cheers
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Forum The campfire
Started by mortyboy
On 8 August 2008
Replies 2
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