Changes in the Eastern Tararuas

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  • Has there been a program of removing unofficial 'marked routes' in the Tararuas OldGoat? I noticed on my last visit to Parks Forks that the christmas-tree-effect of cruise tape (flagging/marker tape for you northerners) down each ridge had gone completely. If so, wonder if the permolat-style routes would survive or turn into a battle with DOC to keep them marked.
  • I must say that I often saw helicopters flying in gas tanks and thought what a great waste of money . Though I am not the sort of tramper to use these huts, I imagine the type that do would appreciate them . I hope that Tutuwai, Totara Flats and Mitre Flats will drop back down to one hut ticket instead of three . I don't understand for the life of me why DOC would pay to send workers in to remove markers from tracks ?
  • 1 deleted message from izogi
  • Neither. That'd seem like the height of futility, though I could see workers being instructed to remove the odd marker found nearby official tracks if they thought it might lead people astray. The Eastern Tararuas has heaps of unofficial marked routes that are some distance from anywhere officially marked---all over Blue Range for instance. Trying to remove unofficial markers from those tracks and expect it to stay that way would be ridiculous, and would probably just encourage someone to walk around with an axe, blazing trees like in them olden days. I guess I could imagine DoC staff being instructed to try and remove the odd shortcut routes between parts of official tracks, which people have kept marked, like that route (earlier an older track) which more directly heads to Cow Saddle via 970, 890 and 810. Sheesh, something like that'd annoy a few people (me included).,175.500835&z=15
  • A few years ago there was an attempt by Wairarapa Area DOC to rationalise the number of marked and therefore maintained tracks in the area as the track budget was cut sharply. Tracks need clearing of windfalls and major hazards to keep them to "standard" and this costs money. When tracks are cleared/maintained (usually by contract)the standard contract includes a clause for the contractor to remove any "non standard " markers and put up the nice little triangle marker(orange).A lot of tracks i inspected over the years( and most that i see now)never had the old markers removed.These ranged from the old jam tin bottoms painted orange , permolate, flag tape etc etc . I was aked once to supply some historic markers from the Tararuas to the Dominion Museum who were having a display of old tramping gear, and i was amazed at the variety of markers that had been used over approx 100yrs. We had a very effective track cutting programme in place, one that was based on watersheds and types of vegetation , historic data on bad windfall areas and when tracks should be cleared .But unfortunately the current management made no attempt to understand , or even enquire about this system .Staff attrition so system was lost. I dont envisage any DOC worker being asked to remove track markers on tracks .There are other markers (blue or pink) used for Biodiversity purposes , and they have confused trampers sometimes. Blue Range is lousy with "non" track markers.
  • "There are other markers (blue or pink) used for Biodiversity purposes , and they have confused trampers sometimes. Blue Range is lousy with "non" track markers." Yep, it's certainly not a place to go without expecting some navigation, especially if you're on a route you've not followed recently.
  • Woudnt have believed it unless i had seen it with my own "mince pies".......a sign at the Holdsworth road end advising park users not to follow the pink markers! The Mt Bruce track from SH2 to North Rd was a track peppered with all sorts of markers, and several day tripping parties became geographically embarrassed ,one to the extent of staying out overnight. The reserve at Mt Bruce has been extensively covered for rodent,possum , control and permanent lines have been cut over most of it.Its a confusing area,and i have had to stop and take my bearings several times to get re orientated. Great place for madpom to have a look at predator control.....
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Forum The campfire
Started by stunted
On 20 July 2012
Replies 15
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