Maude Track to Maude peak, Mount Taranaki

  • Hi Has anyone walked the Maude track from the end of Maude Road all the way to Maude Peak lately? According to my topo map the track is maintained up to Mangakotukutuku Falls and then it is marked as a "closed track" from there to the peak. I just want to know if the track is still passible and approx how long it would take to get up to the peak. I want to be able to climb this route and stay the night at the Pouakai Tarns in a tent if the weather is good or Pouakai hut if it's not. Thanks, Tim.
  • No recent info., but was up there approx. 9 months ago; apart from a couple of tree falls, track was fairly clear from the Falls turnoff to leatherwood level when the vegetation became more overgrown but route obvious, the odd wooden remnant wooden pole indicating the way up an old slip before the route sidling round to the right of Maude Peak and joining the Pouakai circuit track at the base of the peak. About 2 hours from the falls turnoff to the peak base. Possibly vegetation study work undertaken very recently in the area by DOC. Hope this info. is of use.
  • Excellent, thanks for that. Now I just gotta wait for the weather to behave!
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Forum The campfire
Started by bondy
On 9 May 2012
Replies 2
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