Cattle Ridge Hut

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  • Both Cattle Ridge and Ngapotiki feature in Wairarapa News and also Wairarapa Times Age this week...
  • Great news that NZDA , Wellington Br are now official custodians of Cattle Ridge 5 bunk hut, having finally managed to get a Community Agreement with DOC.Tony Macklin has shown tenacity and patience in securing the agreement, which has taken far to long to finalise, no doubt the DOC legal team would have mulled over the wording , crossing t,s and dotting i,s while not ever having set foot anywhere near the bushline on Cattle Ridge! Another iconic NZFS hut saved , meantime.
  • Excellent news,one of the best Tararua huts saved!
  • Thats good news about cattle ridge, you gotta give it to the NZDA . I'm a member of the NZDA, I recommend all should join, even those who do not hunt as they are strong supporters of most causes related to preservation of the backcountry, they will not bow down and give up like DOC often do .
  • Yeah. I don't agree with the NZDA's stance on some things (like lobbying Peter Dunne and the Game Animal Council Bill) but I appreciate the effort that the members & execs have done here and in many other places.
  • The great thing about a democracy ,is just that. We have the right to a view and can express it. The late J B Henderson, NZDA was a great advocate for game management and not extermination, and fearlessly pursued that stance for over fifty years.Ironic that we now have a Game Management Council. The right of the public to disagree with Government policy is a healthy way of keeping politicians aware of the wants of that public , whether right or wrong. If we as individuals dont voice opinions and lobby the politicos , then we cannot be outraged when policy is put into legislation that we dont agree with. Far to many parlimentarians are elected to office promising to carry out the wish of their electorate , only to subside into the political morass of party politics and never carry out their promises. As a NZ born citizen , resident in the country that outlines my legal birthright.
  • I re-read what I wrote above and I didn't mean to seem as if I was advocating joining the NZDA in the slightest. If anything I meant to indicate that I wouldn't join it, despite appreciating things that it and many of its members are responsible for. People are free to support the groups they want to, but lately I'm not fully comfortable for myself with some of the policy leanings of the NZDA, certainly not compared with some other groups.
  • Ah well , izog. "wherever you go , there you are"
  • Indeed.
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Forum The campfire
Started by Gaiters
On 24 April 2012
Replies 38
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