Cattle Ridge Hut

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  • I really enjoy the Herepai-Dundas-Cattle Ridge-Roaring Stag loop, and the way in which you can wander along it fast or slow, depending on the weather and how you feel. The beauty of the spacing of these huts it that you have lots of flexibility. Plus shelter is not too far away when it gets really rough. And there are never too many people, and that's a big factor, now the front country is getting more heavily used. And the huts are (mostly) the traditional six-bunker, which I really like and which I reckon should be preserved as Kiwi icons. I can't understand the logic; it seems it's just change for the sake of change. We know this Government is starving DOC of funds, but how can they continually rip out the huts we know and love, when we all know these huts can save lives?
  • Cattle Ridge and DoC's Wairarapa/Tararua huts are back in the news today --
  • Haukura was not a hut it was a 2 man bivvy, and was so rotten and weather affected it nearly fell apart when being flown to the Putara road end (May 1996)It was not fixable . Putara Hut was burned to the ground in 1977 ,the remains were not removed until 1978.
  • Hi there, I've just learnt that DoC are also wanting to remove Ngapotiki Hut at White Rock in south Wairarapa. Does anyone know about this? We're looking to the model the NZDA adopted for Cattle Ridge and the 'Community Agreement'(?) and are hoping to achieve something similar. Does anyone know who would be helpful to talk to for guidance on this? What worked and what didn't. DoC is telling us that the decision has been made and there's nothing more to say. Best regards, Rowan
  • Hi Rowan. Maybe the NZDA could be a good start, and they'll probably direct you to someone in the Wairarapa branch. Who do you represent when you say 'we'? I note at that DoC says "Ongoing vandalism has caused the site to become unsafe, and the building unfit for purpose and impractical to maintain." ... which could also just be an excuse that was created to justify neglect until now and a convenient-for-DoC action but I've never been there.
  • There is a history of access problems,(the legal road has fallen into the sea at the Ngapotiki Station end and there is a locked gate across the road , and a keen "manager" called Frank "The Tank" Campbell who deals with transgressors also), vandalism , and a general lethargic attitude by DOC to solve these problems. The owner of Ngapotiki Station is Mr Trino Koers of Carterton, who is very approachable, and used to supply a key to his gate to allow hut users through. The NZDA , Carterton Br are the "caretakers" of the hut , although DOC ensures that "Hut Standards " are met . A reliable contact for NZDA is Pete Cunningham , (06) 379 6939 . The state of the hut (i saw it at least 2 years ago) was grotty, the fireplace was stuffed (i had to take it out ) but i believe its been renewed, general neglect of maintenance and the extreme weather at the site having taken its toll. There is also a geological report which outlines the dangers of the area from falling boulders , earthquake risks etc A while ago a boulder fell of the cliff and smashed into the west wall im told , but i cant verify this. Its a great area , but the access problems need to be addressed
  • Biggest problem is ongoing vandalism. With a limited pool of funds do you spend it on a hut with a long history of vandalism and hope it won't get trashed again or do you put it towards another hut? Wairarapa NZDA and the tararua/rimutaka/aorangi huts committee did look into working on/funding the fix up of Ngpotiki but with all it's particular issues (access, on going vandalism, site) the general concensus was that effort and money were better spent elsewhere.
  • There's more Cattle Ridge publicity in the Wairarapa Times Age: It includes a mention of Ngapotiki Hut.
  • Hi Rowan, yes some good advise has been given, we are from the wairarapa and also trying to save the hut. We have been able to get a group of people together like builders and companys that are willing to donate time and transport equipment to the hut. we would love you on board!!!
  • Sorry , sthwai007, looks like Mr Lester, Area Manager,DOC Wairarapa has once again decided ,without public consultation to remove a structure that has served the tramping , hunting ,surfing public for many years .See Dompost i think it was May 22.
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Forum The campfire
Started by Gaiters
On 24 April 2012
Replies 38
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