So, where are you tramping over the weekend?

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  • Overniters or day trips. Be interesting to know where we go. The weather looks pretty crappy in general, so there may not be too much going on at the moment. We find it hard to start walking in the rain, but if it happens while we're out there it's not so bad.
  • This weekend I will be doing a bit of work on Mt Ngongotaha clearing and marking bait lines for Possum Control in the spring. Next weekend I am leading a work party into the Kaimanawas to help cut the new track between Urchin and Umukarikari, however the weather isn't looking too good. If it is all under snow then we won't go.
  • We need people like you pmcke! Hoping to do something in the Kaimanawas soon. Be plenty of snow i imagine, so must make it hard to cut a track.
  • Did Daly's Clearing in the Northern Kaimais last weekend, having a weekend off. Then hopefully a 3 day loop in the Whirinaki forest at the end of next week.
  • Maybe I should climb up to the fresh snow in the richmond range... Have not done any tramping for a while, been waiting for a clear weekend with rough seas. When the Sea is calm-ish I am down there paddling around in my kayak or fishing so have little time for tramping.
  • We were going into the Kaimanawas this weekend to work on the last 600m section of this track but everything will be under snow and the forecast was bad so we have put it off until spring. If anyone is up there, take some lopers, a slasher and saw
  • weather has been bloody average in taranaki this weekend so we decided to do a cruisy daytramp up to waiaua gorge hut from the ihaia road end. was wet all the way with a bit of snow around further up. good to get out though, beats sitting around inside all day!
  • I am sick of the weather so I am getting out of it. I will be on Vancouver island next weekend, keeping an eye out for bears. Then on to Switzerland for a couple of weeks. Will be back in a month. Hopefully it will be spring by then
  • Must be nice getting away from the rotten weather. Not much going on my end, we have cancelled our trips over the last week, even had to cancel a mountain bike ride. Hate this sitting around! Roll on the good weather, will take anything at this stage! Have a nice time away PMCKE.
  • sometimes i reckon you just have to put your coat on and get out there, choose somewhere that is not dependant on crossing flooded rivers and do it! its quite good tramping in the rain and wind as long as you are warm, adds more fun to the tramp.
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by Tracking
On 4 July 2008
Replies 217
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