So, where are you tramping over the weekend?

  • Weather is looking crap for the Nelson Lakes :(
  • A couple of my "girl friends" from the Tramping Club said they were heading for Mt Karioi on Saturday. I said I would tag along. Have been working every day except Christmas and New Year so will be ready to stretch the legs. Unfortunately the forecast doesn't look wonderful here either.
  • Thinking of attempting to climb Mt Princess Sunday/Monday.
  • Sorry Russy, hadn't been in to check my messages, so wasn't ignoring you deliberatly. Hope the tramp went well. We farm in the Waitotara area so are out and about all the time, so if you want to do anything in future let me know, my partner knows every little corner.
  • thanks for that tracking,in the end we only went to puteore hut for the night as my mate from wellington didnt get off the plane till lunchtime so was leaving it a bit late by the time we got started. still a good place to go though. we are looking at some stage in going from puniwhakau rd end right through to waitotora rd end via puteore, tahupo and trains huts. have been to trains before so it shouldnt be a major. do you know of any hidden huts or places to go in your area?,
  • where is everybody heading this weekend?, being a long weekend i presume everybody will be getting out and about?, i am looking at doing a summit of mt taranaki on friday and maybe again sunday, will have to see what the weather does, might try to get in one or two more next week as i have a week off work, although i would like to do an overnighter somewhere,will just wing it and see what happens!
  • Have been lift the pets to feed so can not go anywhere. Going Kayaking on Sunday but have nothing planned the other two days.
  • 14th and 15th Matauria Ridge - Mackintosh Spur - Studholm Saddle Hut - Kaweka J - Makahu spur, two day circuit in the Kaweka Forest park Ive been meaning to do this for a while as a way of visiting Studholm Saddle Hut. I get Mackintosh hut, Studholm saddle Biv, Domminie biv and Makahu saddle hut as a bonus.
  • I envy you people who are actually doing some tramping. But then again, it is over 30 on my thermometer at the moment so blobbing in the couch with a cool drink and watching the tele is probably quite a sensible thing to do. The last 2 mornings I have been out bashing the bait lines on Ngongotaha again. All the poison was eaten months ago but before we are allowed to remove the warning signs all of the 159 stations out there have to be individually checked. Finished that this morning in a pool of sweat. Few of the bait stations are on anything as convenient as a track, so it is all bush bashing and supplejack. Next weekend I have Canadian relatives arriving. We are going to take them to Tongariro National Park so if they are keen we might take them over the "dreaded crossing"
  • I went down to Southern Kaimais to go up to the Hurunui Hut. The heat was awful. Went up West Henderson which is mainly bush, but once out on the open track it was very hot, I got to the hut in good time. Went up the track another hour, and then went back to the hut. Hung round till about six for the sun to drop a bit and walked out. Had planned to stay the night, but the hut was more of a sauna than a hut. Be good for an evening tramp if planning to walk north.
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by Tracking
On 4 July 2008
Replies 217
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