So, where are you tramping over the weekend?

  • That legislation currently before parliament has the potential to strip paper roads of their status and turn them into 'Walking tracks'. A walking track lacks the legal protection a road has. The aim of the legislation is to improve access but it could make things worst. They are currently trying to push it through under urgency which means it would not get the exposure which is desired.
  • I am just chuckling at the comment above about Purity Hut being cold. You should have been in the OLD hut in winter. It had no windows and the spindrift would blow in under the eves. All you could do was huddle in your sleeping bag in the darkness and try and keep warm. There was an open fireplace but no wood to burn and out of three stoves we had, only one would work in the cold. The farmer warned us beforehand that it was the coldest hut in new Zealand and after two nights up there I believe him. I understand that hut is in Palmerston North museum now but I havn't been in to check it out.
  • Am planning to do a snowcraft course this weekend on Ruapehu, then hopefully a summit in a couple of weeks, if conditions allow, I'm a bit worried there may be too much snow at the mo. So we will see, fingers crossed.
  • This weekend will be my first weekend out for what seems like months. We will be ambling up what I guess will be a very muddy Thompson's Track in the Kaimais and then along the range to Kauritatahi Hut which DOC seem to have kept a state secret. It isn't marked on the map and I have been within about 500m of it in the past without being aware that it was there. I hope to have a GPX file and some photos to post next week.
  • This weekend will be my first weekend out for what seems like months. We will be ambling up what I guess will be a very muddy Thompson's Track in the Kaimais and then along the range to Kauritatahi Hut which DOC seem to have kept a state secret. It isn't marked on the map and I have been within about 500m of it in the past without being aware that it was there. I hope to have a GPX file and some photos to post next week.
  • You train spotter you. This is where i get to feel foolish. I must have walked right past this hut a couple of weeks ago. I just know that by the time you produce photos I will get to feel even better as Im sure it will appear very obvious.
  • You can actually see the hut in Google Earth, it appears as a little white dot. The DOC web site says the local Deerstalkers Association have done some work on it recently. Apparently it has wonderful views out over the Bay of Plenty and is a great place to be for sun rise on a clear day.
  • some people have seriously got to much time on their hands. Im ashamed to say thats the first time ive looked at google earth after having my daughter explain it all. What did I ever do without it. Like you i probably missed this by metres
  • me and a mate were planning to take the tents out to the matemateongas somewhere for an overnighter but i just remembered i have indoor netball finals on sunday afternoon so may have to just headt out up the mountain for a daytramp somewhere, will see what happens!
  • Hoping to get into either the Kaimais for a night or the Waitakeres on sunday if not.
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by Tracking
On 4 July 2008
Replies 217
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