So, where are you tramping over the weekend?

  • Which route are you heading into Hotel-de-Wheta on?
  • Could the small numbers have anything to do the metservice suggesting rain.
  • Think I will go in Wharawhara Rd and then come back out to Lindemann Rd. havn't been on either of those tracks before. The latest forecast seems to put the worst of the weather on Friday, then turning SW on Saturday so hopefully it will be OK. Walking in the rain in the bush isn't too bad, espacially when there is a bloody big hut to go to. The reason for the small numbers is because our club has gone soft. Last winter just about killed the club and it was a real struggle to get them all going again in the spring.
  • Now there's a pity i have to work all weekend as i have staff off sick. I would have liked the opportunity to cross paths. Keep this forum open and the opportunity will eventually happen. Wharawhara road end to Waitawheta has recently been cleared and its a pleasant walk.
  • Lindeman was clear when I went through last year, so that is a good choice too. Though I think Wharawhara is the nicer walk, not so steep.
  • Just got back from a long weekend on the north island. Visited the south crater of Tongariro and Ruapehu from the Turoa side. We didn't expect much success with weather forecast being as it was and the flights had been booked some time ago. Alot of snow in the last couple of days offered a different picture to any webcam last week. We were punching through nearly every step from a foot to thigh deep. The last minute decision to make the Ruapehu ascent on Mon paid off with a few good photos and a visit to the crater rim. Visibility at the crater was nil. The night before suggested winds from the east turning NE later in the morning which came as a surprise and bouyed our spirits for an early start without freezing our butts off in the wind. Kathryn suffers from a rare condition called cold urticaria and that brings on a whole different list of considerations. A 7am start still didn't see us reach the crater until 2pm but then we were down by close to 4pm. A 4k walk up the road to Turoa skifield warmed us up. Gates were locked, for snow on the road further down from our carpk. Turoa guys passed us on the road in the morning and suggested we drop in when we were needing to get out. They gave us a lift to the car and we found they needn't have because during the day the locked gate had moved higher than our car. Thats Kiwi hospitality for you. Thank you NZ for another wonderful experience. I didn't post anything about this trip beforehand because we did't want it to sound like the typical aussies who come over to do a challenging thing regardless of the weather and conditions. Believing it to be all so simple. I've heard enough stories to know not to blow my horn about such things when there is limited chance of success.
  • Either going for a kayak in the Sounds, or climbing mt Royal. Depending on Forecast.
  • Heading into the Ureweras tomorrow for 5 days. It was going to be 4 days but I looked at my mate's itinerary and he had a 16 hour day in there. So I told him no way! We are going in off Moanui Valley Rd (off the Gisbourne Opotiki Rd) to Makakoere Hut tomorrow, then Mangatoatoa Hut Friday, Te Pua Hut Saturday, Tataweka Hut Sunday and out Monday. Weather forecast looks good for the first couple of days at least, not so good after that. And I just hired one of these beacon thingys. It isn't as heavy as I thought they might be.
  • Nowhere :( I somehow tweaked a knee chopping and stacking firewood last weekend so I'm out of action for a couple of weeks. Here's hoping i'm okay for Queens Birthday.
  • You have to expect the injuries when you least expect them. It usually never happens when you're traversing something difficult in the wild.
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by Tracking
On 4 July 2008
Replies 217
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