So, where are you tramping over the weekend?

  • I'm very much aware that a D9 tractor at full rev's has nothing on me in full flight. Spoke to a doctor about it once and after much work he decided that I was just a social snorer. I havnt found many who consider it very social. Mostly I make adjustments for other trampers who need a good nights sleep but there are occaisions when I meet the odd (normally younger) tramper who pushes my buttons. At times like these I dont give way and happily sing my way through the night in close company. The next morning is always interesting if not downright hilarious. A hard night in an echo chamber results in a hangover like effect on the uninitiated.
  • i spent a night in a hut last year and after a while a solo tramper arrived, once he started talking i couldnt stop him!,of course he knew everything about everything and was a tramping guru despite only having taken up trampin a year before, and the next morning he was up at 6am filling the wood and coal boxes, waking up everyone else in the hut in the process!!, then he went round apologising to everyone for waking them up!, thankfully i was heading in the other direction or there could have been trouble!!
  • My husband snores and usually takes himself outside to sleep if the hut is full. One night, though, we were in a hut full of people who just spread out and took over. We didn't even have a space to cook our dinner, so my husbnd decided to stay inside. The bunks were lengthways so his head was next to mine. Each time he snored I hit him and he would stop, except one time when the snoring continued. I then realised it wasn't him. Poor man LOL
  • The nicest bit of hut etequette on this subject that I heard of was a snorer who brought along packets of ear plugs along and then handed them out to all the others in the hut before bed time. Very considerate.
  • I have to admit to becomming a "Grumpy Old Man" and watch how many actually sign in for the night if I'm the only one paying my way and often that is the case i figure if its too much they can sleep outside.
  • Hope I meet you one day just to see if you're as grumpy, fat, unfit and generally unpleasent as you claim to be. Trying to think of any posts in which you don't bag yourself before sharing your gems with us!
  • That comes from spending too much time navel gazing on my own. Its a zen thing
  • I live in Gisborne and over the years have a plan of leaving early on Sat AM to tramp either Panekiri bluff at Waikarmoana or Mt Hikurangi and then stay at thier huts before returning on the Sunday. There's also some stuff in the Raukumara ranges but its very isolated and unmarked tracks that's why I take a beackon these days - nah Im just getting old.
  • between you and pmcke theres some fine tramping country. Your in for some great months have fun getting fit. Although from personal experience you might want to walk around the block first. Hikurangi on a windy day looks easy(and it can be easy) but it can sneak up on you. I like the locals sense of humour. They are always very ready to offer a lift especially as you slog over farm land towards the hut they genuinly offer the lift knowing the conflict will plague your thoughts for the remainder of the walk. Subtle!
  • This weekend I am actually going to get out and do some tramping. I am leading a club trip into Waitawheta Hut. The cooler temparatures seem to have put the masses off, it looks like only 3 of us going. Then the following Thursday I am going with a mate into the Ureweras off the Opotiki-Gisborne Rd for 4 days. He has a planned circut of several huts, stating with Tawa Hut
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by Tracking
On 4 July 2008
Replies 217
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