Winter Solo

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  • Hello everyone, I was hoping some people would have some good suggestions for solo multi-day or simply overnight winter trips in the Canterbury region. I've got lots of back country experience and understand snow safety, I'm just fairly new to New Zealand. (Read between the lines, I would rather not cross a winter river solo) Thanks for the help!
  • Hi I have same issues.I sometimes prefer to go solo and dont want to get stuck the other side of a river. Easy hut tramps would be Mt Somers walkway with any amount of exertion after you reach woolshed creek or pinnacle hut - serious climbing or just look at the scenery - open tops.Alternatively, Mts Oxford, Richardson, Grey etc offer great scenery and wildlife. Cheers
  • Foggy Peak at Porter's Pass is a good snowy day trip, without needing special gear. Over Mount Thomas to Pinchgut Hut is a nice winter trip too. Nina Hut is a good winter destination -- not sure how snowy Devilskin Saddle beyond it is.
  • Hi there dspottydog I also like to tramp solo and a nice place to go is Lees Valley in the back of Oxford there are a few walks in there but my favourite one is the puketerakies, If you contact DOC they will give you all the directions to get there. Its about a 3-4 hour walk most of the way along a farm track then cross a small stream then a nice track to follow either to the youngmans stream hut or to my favourite hut named lilburn tarn hut. its a great wee hut on top of a hill that has great views, and with a wee tarn right out the door. once you have been there you will be hooked on the place its great. Cheers and happy tramping.
  • Tarn Hut is a magic wee sheltered spot in winter with the frozen tarn and that great wood fire. You can actually see the lights of Christchurch from the hut. The new DoC track via Tent Gully is a steep bony bitch. The track from the Puketeraki/Youngman hut may have suffered from windfall with the great snow dump we had this winter. Lilburn Hut is a private hut taken over from being a NZFS hut fabricated from MOW Single Man's huts. A couple of young guys got permission to stay there and tidied it up last winter.You can get permission to stay there from the Auckland based corporation that has taken over 9 farms in the Lees Valley. They will also give permission for you to use the 4WD track as this area is destocked in the winter.
  • Hi there, I'm a new member and don't seem to be able to create a new thread, so I'll hijack this one a wee bit if you don't mind... I too and looking to do a bit of solo winter walking as I've suddenly got a lot of leave owing to me. I'm a moderately experienced NZ Tramper, although my fitness level is only average these days (damn desk job!). I was thinking of doing the Ruapehu Round-the-Mountain walk in June. I'm well equipped warmth-wise having hiked in Canada as well, but I don't have any climbing equipment ice gear. From the maps it looks like a not-too-gruelling walk in terms of steepness, and the altitude is not such that I would expect to be thigh-deep in snow. Does anyone here have any experience with this walk in early winter?
  • I notice its snowing there now and while i havnt walked it in the winter the track poles would indicate that it can get a little deeper than your thighs
  • 2 people told me the Ruapehu RTM track was boring, but 5 of us went and we all thought it was fabulous and really interesting. Went end May/begin June. Ruapehu snowy but we were a long way away from snow underfoot. Had a few snow flurries one day. Huts have warm fires and are uncrowded. There are a number of exit points to roads if you need to get out.Just check the snow situation near to the time, it can get deep.
  • Thanks for the responses guys. bigpaul: Yep, I just heard that there's snow down to the Desert Rd tonight, so that might be the end of my plans if it keeps up, but I'll check with DOC and see what they think. fruitbat: Thanks for the recommendation, I had heard it described as an 'uneventful' walk, but I love the area and have never spent more than half a day walking there. About time I did something about that I'd say!
  • I have heard people say that sort of thing about the around Ruapehu walk myself but I don't think anything could be further from the truth. It is a facinating volcanic landscape and I find the trip from Waihohonu to Mangaehuehu with its stark empty desert to be something that is quite unique in NZ. Don't be put off the trip by the weather at this early stage. At that altitude the snow will probably come and go a couple of times over the winter. In June it may well be clear again. Or worse. What you do need to be prepared for is changes in the weather as you proceed along the track. Ruapehu generates its own weather and often you will find it fine on one side of the mountain and raining on the other
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by dspottydog
On 29 June 2008
Replies 12
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