The Livingstone Range and Lake Adelaide

  • Hello again! Anyone got anything to say about walking along the Livingstone range from Key Summit in Fiordland? Or going up Morraine creek to Lake Adelaide and Phils Biv? : )
  • just looking at the topomap, it looks like it turns into slow going at the least, at worst will require some climbing..
  • I've done the section from Cascade Creek along to Key Summit. That was a hands in pocket stroll.
  • Morraine Creek up to Lake Adelaide is a awesome walk, views from Phills Bivvy are amazing. Instead of retracing your steps look into climbing giffords crack to Adeliade saddle, making your way to gertude saddle and gertude valley. Awesome trip.
  • the climb to adelaide saddle should only be attempted in good weather and not if the rock is wet, people have died falling on this route. you should only really attempt it if you're confident and competent on steep faces with big drop offs.
  • Cheers people! Yeah I know all about Barrier Knob and Giffords crack . . poss a bit out of my league at the moment. Wouldn't mind doing it as part of a group with some more experienced people at some point. We were thinking Morraine Creek but quite a few people have told me its a real hard out slog. I really want to go up to Phils Biv but I'm gona have to recruit some more energy first! We went along the Livingstones in the end . . Day 1 = the divide to just below Pt 1364(?)m, camped there for the night and then dropped down the Williamsons Track on the true right spur by Duck Creek. Lunch at McKeller hut and back to the Divide. fantastic relaxed little trip with a bit of nav in the fog to liven it up getting down to duck creek on day 2.
  • Nice...Did you scoff snowberries up there?
  • gee Honora your such a hero
  • yep we did indeed scoff lots of snowberries :D
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by CornishGirl
On 1 February 2012
Replies 8
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