
  • Some of you bright , well qualified young fellas/fellaresses might be able to let us old codgers know what the heck is going on with all this unseasonal weather.
  • la nina weather pattern bassically it runs in reverse.... due to lack of wind further north, different temperatures than normal in the oceans change the whole way the weather goes. you get more easterlies than normal or calmer weather, bring wet weather to the opposite side of the country than normal.... can also be calmer than normal but not necessarily ive just come back from fiordland, never seen it looking so dry. they gave the usual forecasts of cold rain and showers but very little of that happened. one of the huts on the kepler ran out of water.
  • Um.... climate change (or is that still "PC gone mad"?) -
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Forum The campfire
Started by OldGoat
On 15 January 2012
Replies 2
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