Questions About Hiking Kepler/Milford/Routeburn

  • Planning a trip to the South Island in late March / early April and trying to sequence Kepler/Milford/Routeburn. I'll be flying into Queenstown. My current plan is below. Any comments would be appreciated. Day 1: Kepler Day 2: Kepler Day 3 Kepler. Overnight in Te Anau. Day 4: Milford Trail (Clinton Hut) Day 5: Milford Trail (Mintauro Hut) Day 6: Milford Trail (Dumpling Hut) Day 7: Milford Trail / Sound Cruise. Check in Milford Sound Lodge Day 8: Milford Sound / Kayak Day 9: Bus to Divide. Routeburn: Hike to McKenzie Hut (12 miles) Day 10: Routeburn: Hike McKenzie Hut to Routeburn Shelter. Bus to ZQN Day 11: Fly out of ZQN.
  • Do-able as long as the weathers ok, but maybe a bit of a rush. I think the cheapest bus to Te Anau is with Intercity. For availability for the Milford Track - . . first available space right now is 29/3/12. You'd have to pick up your hut tickets for the Milford and Routeburn Tracks in the DOC Visitor Centre in Te Anau after you got back from the Kepler (prob the morning you start the Milford). You could also re-supply with food at fresh choice in Te Anau. Kayak either with Roscos or Fiordland WIlderness Experiences. Bus to the Divide either with Tracknet or Kiwi Discovery (or hitchhike :). Bus to Q'town with Info and Track, Kiwi Discovery or Buckley Transport. That may or may not be helpful : )
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by mellicon
On 1 January 2012
Replies 1
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