Larrikins from Thousand Acre Plateau

  • Hey has anyone dropped off from anywhere on the Thousand Acre Plateau down to Larrikins? My friend and I spent ages scouting possible routes down this past week and didn't see anything reasonable although apparently there could be a route down from near Poor Petes... Any info galdly received for next time...
  • I guess you mean Larrikins Creek, not Larrikins Hut!
  • The old route used to drop straight down one of the two creeks west of Poor Pete's.I'll look up an old map. I haven't been down, but I have been up onto Misery Tablelands via leading long ridge from bottom of Larrikins Ck on TR. good going up spur then longish but easy sidle below the bluffs to a point where a tongue of easy bush pokes up onto the plateau by spot height 1085. This tongue shows up much better on the old inch to the mile map than topo50 ( come to think of it, so does Poor Pete's track !) Makes a nice roundabout sightseeing trip
  • Yes thanks for this Tony - after a good deal of looking at the map and Google earth we have concluded that dropping off to larrikins (Ck!_) from west of Poor Petes would be the best. My friend and I invesitgated tis on the way out from larrikins Hut and thought this would be good too. We picked out a tongue of very steep bush going all the way down to the creek...better than the slips or creeks now I am the once open areas have grown over in many places to be a pigsty.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by motors
On 22 December 2011
Replies 3
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