DoC trying to change its Intention Forms system

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  • I know we shouldnt be talking politics this close to xmas and so soon after an election but Ive just finished one day of leave and the brain is still catching up. Please forgive me. Those disaffected labour voters had 4 viable options ie Maori - (although they do represent a minority they have shown that they are honest to there beliefs and most of there policies would be good for all NZ. If they hadnt split from Labour Pita could of been leader of Labour now) Just because Im an x pom doesnt mean that one day I wont chose them just because they are the Maori party NZ (Winston) First - (up untill his incident with the big NO plackard I considered him an honest politician not that I would of voted for him Mana - Proof that honesty and integrity dont always go hand in hand Greens - Policies that look towards the long term sometimes at the expense of the short term Very few chose the other 3 All have there highlights and pitfalls but the vote to green must be considered the will of the people
  • To put this discussion back on track - Here is an online petition against the removal of the paper based intentions system in Arthur's Pass:
  • 26 deleted messages from Ethelyn Ominelli
  • In relation to this topic, a press release popped out of nowhere today about a company launching a new service tomorrow, where people (locals and tourists alike) will be able to pay a fee for a trusted contact: I doubt I'd use this myself but it's a pretty cool tool for people who can't find a reliable trusted contact when they want one. It's just a shame DoC wasn't able to transition the people who needed something like this directly into it back when it pulled out of this type of thing itself: "…the company is committed to ensuring each and every person who signs up with them is accounted for. It is a simple, convenient and reliable system involving a free phone call, text or online registration beforehand and confirmation of finishing afterwards. It works because it doesn’t necessitate planning ahead and is available for any outdoors activity. "Safety Outdoors Director, Stuart Fraser says a major point of difference is that they are acting as the trusted outdoor contact for every booking. "“If we don’t hear from you within the registered time frame operators based in New Zealand, working in real time, follow a checking process with every contact point provided. If necessary, we can then notify the appropriate authority.” [...] "There are several options available for users of Safety Outdoors with the emphasis on not only registering yourself but also family and friends. The cost is per activity only, and involves everyone involved in your group, not per person, making this both an affordable and easy decision."
  • The press release via Scoop has more info at the end. They're charging $10/trip, or $60 for 10 trips valid up to a year after payment. It seems reasonable enough to me considering the other sorts of costs that get thrown around, but the effectiveness would probably also depend on convincing people who need it to use it, and making it easily enough available for them. I guess time will tell.
  • Oops. I neglected to link to it. The additional info regarding pricing is at the end.
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Forum The campfire
Started by izogi
On 1 December 2011
Replies 80
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