Routeburn and Milford - One after another

  • I've heard both tracks can be done one after another. You complete one then have a short break of a few days before doing the other. Im unsure of the order. Interested in hearing from anyone who has done this before?
  • Our first ever tramp was the Milford, then a night in Milford Sound at the Backpackers and a bus that dropped us off at The Divide on its way to Te Anau or Queenstown, I forget. This was in 2003 and I was 58, but not knowing the ins and outs we carried everything for both tracks, about 20kg. Much wiser now (and older), so you could leave or send your extra gear or food in a pack/bag from Queenstown or Te Anau by bus for a small fee, then just start your Milford Track from Te Anau (great backpackers)by getting the bus, boat, walking the track, boat back to Milford Sound, a night or more at the backpackers (good), then catch the bus to the Divide and tramp the Routeburn. The Milford is organised to go from Te Anua. Should only have to carry about 14kg that way. Make sense? Any help? Cheers, Peter (from Australia).
  • Yep you could do the Routeburn first to get over to the Te Anau side, then the Milford. Then you could do the Greenstone or Caples back to the other side. (If you felt so inclined.) If you wanted to do a long trip you could do Routeburn/Greenstone/Caples all in one go, which is what we were planning to do from this Friday coming, but the snow/avalanche danger has foiled us on the Routeburn part. You could do Dore Pass into the Milford too. The Milford is excellent, especially this time of year.
  • Thank you Hazel. I'm new to that area. Does thios sound like a plan: fly to Qtown, bus to start of Routeburn the do it first to get over to the Te Anau side, then the Milford then catch shuttle back to Te Anau and bus back?
  • Are you going to rest in between the Routeburn and Milford, and if so, whereabouts? From a logistics point of view it would be simplist to not rest in between and to do the Milford first and then go straight onto the Routeburn and walk to the Queesntown side. The last day of the Milford is straight forward (its dead flat the whole way down to Sandfly Point) and from there you can easily catch the first boat early afternoon which will get you to the Tracknet bus to the Divide by about 4pm. From there its an easy hour to Howden Hut. Theres nothing wrong with doing what you've sugested. The views on the Routeburn are more impressive doing it The Divide->Glenauchy though in my opinion.
  • Oh yes, I was assuming you would break in the middle. Otherwise Yarmoss' suggestion is great.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Vee12
On 27 October 2011
Replies 5
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