Want to hike up to the Macaulay Hut

  • Hey folks, I'm an Aussie woman looking to do some hiking up to the Macaulay Hut. I've previously stayed at Lilybank Station and did some tahr hunting while I was there and very keen to get back to those amazing mountains. I'm planning on travelling there in October 2011 and would like to know if there are any organised tramps to that destination or if there are experienced guides who wouldn't mind me tagging along.
  • http://www.fishnhunt.co.nz/forum/YaBB.cgi?board=hunting6 http://www.nzdacanterbury.org/
  • Im driving up early November if thats any help.
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by AussieHikingBarbie
On 1 August 2011
Replies 2
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