Track from Atiwhakatu to Mitre Flats Hut

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  • hey, we did a cool loop in that area, which would solve your car problem (in and out at the pines) but was up on the tops so not so good with all the snow at the moment...but keep it in mind for the future. We went in to Mitre flats on a Fri night, then Sat up to Baldy and north along the ridge, thru the 3 Kings to Girdlestone and then down to Tarn ridge hut for the night. Sunday back up to Girdlestone, along the ridge to Mitre, then down Peggys peak, back to Mitre Flats and out to Masterton for a quick beer! agree with others the Barra track from Pines to Mitre Flats is a bit of a pig, especially by torch light!
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by [DELETED]
On 24 July 2011
Replies 10
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