Travers Sabine Track

  • Hi Guys I am thinking about my next Tramp in 2012 and have decided on Travers Sabine,is there anybody with info on this track out there Lindsay
  • I did it in March this year and it's awesome. There's a number of way to do it and I chose not to take a night at the Angelus Hut as it was already nearly full. I did the entire route in 3 nights/4days, simpy because of time constraints and having to get back to Oz, but would certainly recommend taking at least one, probably two more nights and just enjoying the amazing scenary. Have'll love it.
  • Walked it in April last year - agree it's a fantastic tramp. Spent 6 happy days (5 nights) and met some very interesting people. There are a lot of ways/combinations to walk it. Next time I'm going to visit Blue Lake and Lake Constance. The scree slope on the west side of the Traverse Saddle is quite cool to go down (or up!!) I've taken a look at my ideal tramp for this area and I suspect next time it will take a good 8-9 days. DOC have info on the area online .... if you Google it as well there are now quite a few links/pics to people who have walked it recently. Note Angelus Hut now has to be booked at certain times of the year. Sandflies and the odd wasp still apply....
  • I have heaps of time so i think i will stay at each hut,one question can you buy tramping food in St Arnaud it seems to be the same size as Glenorchy and only one shop Lindsay PS normclimb whitch huts did you miss out
  • I missed out on the Coldwater and the Upper Travers. Stayed at John Tait, West Sabine and Sabine. Had Tait all to myself, West Sabine was packed and Sabine had 5 others. I certainly wouldn't rely on getting food at St Arnaud, as there is only one very small shop at the service station and they have a very limited supply of most things, and what they do have comes at a price. Best stock up on the essentials well in advance. Are you walking or taking the water taxi up the lake? Its a long and not that interesting hike up the lake however the water taxi is expensive if your on your own ($75 if I remember). The more people using it the cheaper it gets. Have a great time. Norm
  • thanks normclimb for that i had the idea that St Arnaud did not have much in the way of food.i will fly into Christchurch and stay with my cousin for two days and stock up there. I think i will walk all the way from St Arnaud down the lake to lake Head Hut
  • Hi Lindsay, a couple of mates and I did the T-S in April this year - 8 days - a great tramp. Started at 1400 from St Arnaud (as others have said, there is not much in town) and walked the Lakehead Tk to Lakehead Hut. Day 2 to Upper Travers Hut (lunch at John Tait - it would be a short day to stop at JT and even shorter the next day to UTH but a long day to go from JT through to West Sabine Hut). Day 3 over Travers Saddle (with side trip up to Rainbow Tarn and Pass ) and down to West Sabine Hut. We had 2 nights here (all to ourselves) and did a side trip to Blue Lake and Lake Constance - well worth it. Day 5 was a slog (constant rain) down to Sabine Hut - arrived in time for a late lunch. Day 6 - up (and I do mean up) to the Angelus Hut (magic - although missed some views from the ridges because the sleet insisted on forcing my eyes into slits). Two nights at the Angelus (yes, quite crowded but gives one the opportunity to be social :) - snow and freezing temperatures overnight made for an interesting side trip past Hinapouri Tarn to Sunset Saddle and on up to the Angelus Peak - simply stunning. Day 8 - a pleasant stroll along Robert Ridge and back to the Mt Robert carpark. To make it a true loop, the last day could be changed to : Angelus to St Arnaud via Cascade Tk and back along Lakeside Tk (past Lakehead Hut).
  • Would suggest its a good idea to stock up in Christchurch as when I was there in March a lot of stuff wasn't getting out to the smaller shops due to the major distribution centers had been affected by the quakes. Probably changed by now, or I'd hope so anyway. As I said, the walk to Lake Head or Coldwater huts is, in my opinion a long and very winding track, but if you have the time, then why not? The scree slope, as has been mentioned, is a killer, either way, up or down, but personally I think going down is a real pain in the......well knees I guess..!
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Forum The campfire
Started by lgwaddel
On 22 July 2011
Replies 7
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