Being Prepared

  • I was just reading this article from the NZ Herald Website In the final paragraph is reads "The Alpine Sports website advises trampers to wear good hard-soled tramping boots and carry at least 1 litre of water, hat, sunscreen and a cool, long-sleeved shirt. For harder climbs, a walking pole is important, as is insect repellent." Oh yeah! What about the parka, fleece clothing, hat, mits and -- oh yes... The Tarot cards!!
  • A modicum of common sense wouldnt go astray along with actually taking advice occaisionally. Goes back to the other dicussion about tracks. If we start referring to our tracks the way they do in Europe and America visitors are bound to get the wrong idea.
  • Click on the below link, some of my tramping gear. Most of them are placed in resealable storage bags
  • Wow you are organised! I like the little cloth protecting the table from the billy. My tramping gear is all crammed into a big plastic storage bucket in the wardrobe. Some of the stuff that has worked its way to the bottom I havn't used for a while. I need to have a sort out.
  • Good grief. That article should be called "ill-preparedness predicted walker's fate." But then the article is irresponsible in passing on advice. Seems the writer looked at this page (but not at he gear list page)
  • Looks like the author must have googled something and hit that site which seems to be more preoccupied with avoiding sandflies and sun stroke in sunny Otago. I found a much better resourse on the DOC web site at which refers to authoritive Mountain safety publications. Then of course there is Matthew's fine page at
  • I did the Tongariro Crossing the week before Easter with a friend and we saw nothing to cause concern among the other people on the mountain that day. I then returned a week later at Easter weekend to help with a small party of Scouts doing the Crossing as part of their D of E and what a difference a week makes! Once I got over my amazement at the incredible numbers of people making the crossing, I started to notice what people were carrying - or not carrying. Kids in sneakers with a hoody tied around their waists, couples in shorts and t-shirts carrying nothing but a sipper bottle each! The worst was a woman on her own who was wearing decent gear herself, but who was carrying a baby backpack with a tiny infant that looked like it was less than 12 months old!! Not sure how she was planning to keep baby alive if the weather turned nasty at the top. Of course the weather stayed nice and no one gave it a second thought. Crazy.... What bothered me was that a lot of these ill prepared people got bused to the start of the crossing by tour operators making money from putting people on the mountain. These operators obviously don't feel any responsibility to ensure their clients are at least aware of what they should be carrying for the possible range of conditions. The week before when my friend and I did the Crossing, we stayed at Discovery Lodge (cheap and cheerful backpacker accom) and used their bus service for drop off and pick up. The guys from Discovery provide their clients with a list of what should be carried on the Crossing and won't let anyone on the bus if they don't have at least the minimum gear needed. It was nice to see an operator taking a bit of responsibility as well as the cash.
  • Mmm. A sad tale which is unfortunately oft repeated amongst outdoor enthusiasts and the public via popular media. I have a hard copy of the booklets pmcke linked to and swear by em. Agree with comments re tour operator responsible behaviour. Maybe cautions at track ends warning folk of volatile NZ wilderness conditions? Dunno. For my part I always labour safety with anyone I meet heading into hills or groups I've taken in myself. If we all do that it's a good start I reckon =)
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Forum The campfire
Started by pmcke
On 18 May 2008
Replies 7
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