May 2011 updates

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  • Hi everybody, I have changed the way forum spam is handled. You can not click a link and remove spam immediately. I hope this works better for exerybody. There will be a littl fine tuning to come.
  • OK, that works - flaging the post removes it from the forum. However, it leaves it as the latest post on the homepage.
  • Further improvements will probably be rolled out next Tuesday.
  • Hi everybody, the forum spam system has been tweaked a little. Also, I've added a new alerts system for huts and tracks so that you can flag temporary conditions. Take a look here for an example: Finally, I have added new Twitter and Facebook buttons. Much simpler and tidier.
  • Hi Matthew. Thanks for the spam adjustments. I'm not sure if it's something you're working on presently, but I've been trying to post the following text in this thread, and keep getting notified that it's being caught in the spam net. """" Thanks for clarifying this. It confirms exactly what I thought about hip-belts. I've known at least one person who's cut off one of the two catches on the clip of their hip-belt because they didn't think it was necessary and reckoned that having only one catch made it easier to un-do if necessary, It does seem as if the whole mutual support idea is quite local to this part of the world, if that other forum is anything to go by. If so, I hadn't realised that recommended practices in New Zealand were quite so different from other places. """"
  • Oh. It turned out that trying to post *anything* in response resulted in an error saying my post had been caught by the SPAM net. Then I refreshed the thread page by first going back to the General Discussion forum page, and after that it let me post without an issue. I can't think of anything I might have done to get it into a spam-net mode.
  • Thanks Matthew for the latest spam updates. I like how when an item is flagged then it vanishes from both the forum and the Recent Posts on the Forum homepage. It would be nice if it could also vanish from the Updates section on the Newly Added page.
  • Actually I am almost looking forward to the next lot of spam when I go in... so I can go shoot it down.. :-)
  • Thanks Matthew, Its so much better. Hope everything is well with you.Cheers
  • izogi, interesting. Had you left the page open overnight? A special hidden updates nightly.
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Forum This website
Started by matthew
On 4 May 2011
Replies 32
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