May 2011 updates

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  • Hmm, and after posting the above message, I received an error (but it posted anyway!)
  • Exactly the same here. If I try to open an article I get the 'Don't Panic! I've just experienced some kind of error' page, and also after submitting a forum post (though the post goes through regardless).
  • Hi again. Not urgent, but the ordering of some posts/forums seems to be incorrect on the main Forums page at As I write this, the Gear forum's most recent post is labelled 3 days ago, but it's displayed above the General Discussion forum which shows a recent post of 2 days ago. I'm guessing, but is this ordering being done according to the most recent post even if it's been flagged as SPAM and is no longer visible?
  • Oh and comment posting seems to be working fine right now. :)
  • Hi I see a few image uploads have failed. I think I know why, and I just tried one with success. If your image broke, try editing it and adding the file again.
  • Yep, that worked. Thanks Matthew
  • Matthew the image uploading glitches seem to be happening again. I've just deleted a post with an attempted photo upload where the photo comes up as a thumbnail that won't open after an error message is received. I tried reloading using "edit" several times but it still wouldn't load properly. I don't think the photo which is 997 x 748 and 148kb size is the problem?
  • Matthew, I flagged a post (messageId=10990) a couple of days ago. When I'm logged in, it has disappeared (as expected). However, when I'm logged out, it's still visible(topicid=900). This is recently changed behaviour (ie the May 2011 update didn't have this problem)
  • Matthew......this site is still doing odd things....sometimes you can get into it...other times you can't....! I wonder if this message will get through...?
  • normclimb i have the same problems as well
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Forum This website
Started by matthew
On 4 May 2011
Replies 32
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