May 2011 updates

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  • iangeorge, Yes, I'll fix that :)
  • I see some comments on the articles are getting spammed too. See
  • Bugfix: Inbox wasn't working in Firefox and Chrome. Now it is. :)
  • 1 deleted message from bernieq
  • Hey Matthew, do you think it might be time to retire the part 1, 2, 3 anti-modernism items from the "Interesting" panel on the homepage??
  • No, I was just trying to reply as I usually would and I'm fairly sure it hadn't been left for longer than a few minutes after opening at most. I wish I could tell you what triggered it. I haven't had the problem again to-date and it appears nobody else has, although I almost didn't realise that nothing'd been posted because I had to scroll to the end of the result page before I saw the spam warning... so maybe it's happened to others and they just haven't realised their thing was never posted. Whatever it was that caused the spam error the first time, I repeatedly tried to re-submit different variants of the text (eventually only a few words of the original), and by the end of it was fairly sure that nothing would ever be accepted. Could there be some kind of hidden input next to the message textbox that causes it to keep thinking something's spam after it's been detected once? But yeah, as I mentioned, it worked as soon as I forced the forum page to be re-generated without any displayed spam-error.
  • I agree with bernieq's request!
  • I agree, completely from everywhere.
  • Whats the matter with all of you? Wouldn't you enjoy a discussion on the cohesive rationale behind the effective disinterment of post-prandial torpor especially when relegated to the essential premises that is not me, but us as a common collective! If I had to think about stuff like this when tramping I would probably walk off a cliff or drown myself in a river:) Yes please delete!
  • Hey Matthew, I can't access (yesterday or today) anything other than user profiles and forum topics - my browser is IE8
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Forum This website
Started by matthew
On 4 May 2011
Replies 32
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