tramping with kids

  • Hey there, just returning to tramping after nearly seven years out when my kids were little- used to be an avid casual tramper in my old home country. My daughter is old enough to start coming on adventures with me, but I don't know the tracks in NZ well enough to know where to start- looking for 2-3 night tramp with reasonably short days, huts would be a plus. Any ideas?
  • Perhaps you could tell us where in the country you live so we can suggest something near you, and how old are the kids? From my experience kids can't really walk distances or carry packs until about 13+ years, anything before that should concentrate on short days, warm weather, huts and places to swim. I have also found that a good combination is not to take siblings but take one child at a time plus a friend. My Dad took me tramping that way and I remember wonderful times. It worked wellfor my kids too. I also made sure that they had a choice as to whether they came or not. No one wants tramping to be compulsary.
  • I've just returned from 3 nights away with my 11 & 7 year old daugthers we were in the Arthurs Pass - Casey hut and a day walk up to Lake Minchin about 50km all up. The girls carry their own clothes and sleeping bags and my older daughter carries some of the food, dad carries the rest of the food and the cooking gear. We started tramping with the kids 4 years ago doing short day walks around Peel Forest and built from there, summer holidays are camping with some tramping day walks, and weekend tramping. The kids always have the option to come with us at present our 5 year old daughter is not so keen but has done a few overnight trips around Mt Summers - Mid Canterbury and the South Temple up the back of Lake Ohau. The 3 girls are quite capable of walking the Little Mount Peel track (1000m climb) in about 4-5hrs return. We keep it fun, include the girls in the planning and they are expected to get their own gear ready (though we check and help them pack it) and clean up when we get home. the walk is a good time to talk, take breaks every 1-2 hours as needed, stop to look at the scenery read the maps together, discuss river crossings (not to deep) and stomp through mud the kids enjoy meeting and talking with people in the huts and telling their friends about the adventures. From what I have seen and heard the only thing that stops kids from tramping is parents being reluctant to perserve with taking a bit longer or having the toileting issue and likes that coming with young kids. There is a sense of pride and pleasure when we do come across other Mums and Dads walking with young children and there is plenty to discuss, have meet lots of great people in the process. Recent tramps Routeburn - Greenstone 62km with our 11 year old. Nelon lakes - Mt Roberts Bush line hut loop track and Lake End Hut both as day walk with all the kids. Mt Summers walk way covered most parts as over nights, again with all the girls. Wanaka - Rob Roy Glacier day walk. Little Mt Peel via South Ridge - Deer Spur
  • Another thing I have found is that kids meake great route finders. Make a game of getting the kids to find the next orange marker and then the adults can relax, enjoy the trip while the kids find the way.
  • clayton - enjoyed your starting of thinking about '1st tramps' with my 18 month old! might let him get used to walking a bit more for now. First one will be in the Orongorongo's then some easy ones in the Tararuas like Atiwhakatu.
  • Hi, from our experience, there is no such thing as "too young", as long as a child is healthy AND you know how to look after a child in the wild. Actually, the earlier you start, the easier it is. If you search these forums for some of my previous posts, you will find a lot more information about tramping with children. The Christchurch Trailbabies have not been very active since the quake, but we will regroup over winter and by the time spring comes, hopefully be back up and roaming the mountains again! Coincidentally, has been down due to hosting issues since just after the quake, and due to ripple effects of the quake, I haven't had the time to get it online again yet. be continued! If you have any questions, you can email me at trailbabies[AT]gmx[DOT]net. Happy tramping! Matt
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Forum Gear talk
Started by freespirit
On 30 April 2011
Replies 5
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