Wellington weekend tramps

  • hi guys, have more time now for tramping and day walks. anyone out there in wellington wanting to join ? could establish a small group also. lets talk..
  • Wellington would be the ideal place to be to join a tramping club. There are several venerable and active clubs in the Wellington area and I am sure you would find some like minds there.
  • Im in Wellington and a member of Hutt Valley Tramping Club. I have also been a member of Wellington tramping club a long time ago. (Before I had kids) What type of walks do you wish to do and what part of Wellington are you in. There is also the Taraurua Tramping club in Wellington. Those would be the 3 biggest clubs plus there is the Catholic tramping club, the Upper Valley Tramping club in Upper Hutt and the Parawi Tramping club in Paraparaumu. If these dont fit then grab a copy of the NZ Walking magazine. In the back is a list of walking groups and there meeting details throughout Wellington although these are more walking than tramping. It would be wrong to suggest any of these groups over any other on the small amount of info we have about the type of group you want. When I got back into tramping I tried 3 clubs and chose the Hutt mainly because of convenience even though it was the third club I visited. The other clubs were good Its just that for me the Hutt club was better.
  • I'm in the WTMC and I've found clubs very beneficial, though finding the right club for you is important and they're not for everyone. There's also the Vic Uni club to consider which gets up to a lot of interesting things.
  • VUWTC are cool. They get around all over the place, leaving their mark (BAAA!). Frank and I did a trip with them into Carceek Hut one time and it was a classic Tararuas trip.
  • I am most definatley keen!! im 21 years old and very fit txt 027 8693805
  • April 26... eeeeek I'm a bit late, are you guys still going out? Formed a group yet? I'm part of the Victoria club too they're great... super keen to get out, I go out most, if not every weekend atm I'm not a big one on the town scene :)
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by wekakiwi
On 26 April 2011
Replies 6
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