Info request

  • Afternoon all, I’m in the middle of deciding what gear to take with me for this journey. I use an msr pocket rocket that uses Isobutene-propane canister fuel. Will I be able to find reliable resupply options tramping around the south island? I have no determined route as of yet, and have as much time as wanted to spend hiking. I tend to be on the lighter side with gear and was wondering what you think about using trail runners? I hike in trail runners all over the Sierra Nevada (apples to oranges I know) and I’m very comfortable in them. How are the biting bugs in Oct – Dec? What do you use as bug repellant (deet)? I would also like for any suggestions on a variety of non-touristy tracks that will allow me to traverse many different ecosystems. I’m game for moderate to strenuous tramps, my concerns are major river crossings (I’ll be solo) and intense route finding tracks. I will have gear for all conditions including a TarpTent. Also if you have any suggestions on good track in Australia I would greatly appreciate them. I look forward to picking your brains until my departure… Joel
  • Canisters are readily available throughout the South Island. In some areas your food options may be limited. Trail shoes might be Okay on formed trails, For off-track routes, alpine etc, boots are recommended. DEET is common in most repellants sold in NZ. On sunny breezy days sandflies aren't too bad. On the West Coast in overcast conditions with a hint of rain in the air they can become very bad. Guide books would be your best bet for information on tramps; Moirs Guide; Tramping in the South Island; South Island Weekend Tramps etc. Also pick up a copy of the Bushcraft manual.
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Forum Gear talk
Started by tenderpaw
On 17 March 2011
Replies 1
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