North West Track

  • Well. I'm currently sitting in Queenstown, waiting to leave tomorrow morning for the greenstone/caples track as a one way to divide then Te Anau, then Milford Track... then! I am going to get onto Stewart Island and start walking. (by the way, does anyone have a preference between the greenstone or the caples if I am only able to go on one of them?) So, I am 27 y/o f from Maine, USA visiting NZ for one month. I'm a printmaker, horseback rider, rock climber and now attempting my feet on the hills (it's very flat where I live) On March 14 I am planning on getting the 5pm ferry to Oban, if not the earlier one, getting in a nights sleep of some sort then walking on the 15th. on the 25th, last hiking day, I think I am getting on a ferry and spending the night in Invercargill as I have to get to Dunedin the next day. So, it is a bit of a whirlwind tour. Just curious if anyone is interested in doing this track, or already going maybe? I have no phone, but somewhat regular access to internet, when I'm not walking. [Email address removed]
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Started by sclair
On 5 March 2011
Replies 0
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