Home page photos

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  • Hi everybody, It's time for some new photos on the home page. If you have any you want to share, let me know. They need to be good landscapes, ideally with people in them somewhere, and I need some background information on the area in the photo. Thanks!
  • I might have a couple for you to look at Matthew. How would you like them delivered? Email or posted on here somewhere?
  • 1 deleted message from Grayscale
  • I'll have a look too. How do we go about it?
  • 2 deleted messages from peter1945
  • I've just dropped some onto my photo album here. you are welcome to use these if they are up to scratch. Will you need a higher res ?
  • Is this topic working?
  • I usually dont have people in my landscape photos. Except this one, which I really like, just dont know if it fits the purpose: http://www.flickr.com/photos/chaoswerecat/5217003885/in/set-72157625389800816/ taken in December when hiking up to the Gertrude Saddle.
  • Hi everybody -- sorry it's been a busy week! If they're loaded up here or on Flickr, that's the easiest way. They do need to be at least 778 pixels wide, and have a wide format. If you want, you can email them to me. Send me a message here and I'll give you my email address.
  • Frauke, sure that one should work, thanks.
  • Hi Matthew you can use any photod of mine no worries
  • Me too, want a heap of new ones?
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Forum The campfire
Started by matthew
On 1 February 2011
Replies 19
Permanent link