South Island March 2011

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  • Looking for tramping companions for South Island tramps in March 2011. I am an experienced, mature, tramper from Australia and have done the Greenstone/Caples, Routeburn and the Rees-Dart within the past couple of years. I have also done Mt Tappy three times. Exact dates yet to be confirmed but most likely mid-March for about 10-14 days. Any suggestions are most welcome.
  • Slight date change if anyone is interested? Most likely arriving in CHC on the 20th March. Open to suggestions for tramps.
  • Hi Norm I am sorry that it seems unlikely I will see you this year if you are coming in march. Pam and I are arriving in Christchurch on the 3rd Feb and staying in NZ until the 2nd march. The only tramp we will be doing is the Banks which I have done twice before like the Kepler! Otherwise moving around both islands and doing a bit of touring. I have exchanged a couple of mails with Alix who is no longer with John, and who hopes to come to the uk this year to have a cup of tea with me! I really enjoyed doing the Dart Rees with you and the others in 2009 and perhaps see you next year all being well! Hope you have some good tramps in march David
  • Flights booked....arriving March 20th (late). Have car and still open to suggestions, but would still like to do Travers-Sabine if anyone is interested?
  • Norm: A group of us will be going into Lake Matiri hut on 19th March, then doing the big slog up to Larikin hut on the 20th. We will have a day there before heading north along the Matiri Range towards the Wangapeka. Age range is 50-70 so we won't be quick. You are welcome to catch us up if you wish. We need to be back out at the eastern end of the wangapeka track by 26 March as we fly back up north on Sunday 27th.
  • Thanks for the info, might just take you up on that. Problem is transport as I'm hiring a car in Christchurch and fly back to Oz from Chc on 28th. As for the age range...that's fine too.
  • Hi Pmche, How large is your group? Would you allow me to tramp with your group? I had been to Lake Matiri Hut and also done the east part of Wangapeka Track from Leslie linked to Stone Hut out but had never linked from south. I am 61 and keen in tramping and camping, easy to get along. Please view my profile. May I know how you arrange your transport as well? Look forward to your replying soon. Cheers. Lucky7755
  • Hello Pmche, We booked the Nelson Shuttle for Matiri Valley late afternoon on 19th and out at Rolling River on 25th. We like to meet your group and do some advanturous exploring. There are only 2 in our goup and we will bring a tent with us since some huts only with 4 bunks. Look forward to seeing you and having a nice chat soon. Cheers. Lucky77
  • Hi Lucky77.. that's cool. We will no doubt meet you at Matiri Hut. There are 4 of us, ranging from 50 to almost 70. We will have tents too as we don't want to necessarily commit ourselves to long days between huts. Will meet you at the hut and see how it goes from there.
  • Thanx Pmche, Our rough plan is Lake Matiri, Larrikins, Hurricane, Stone hut, Kiwi Shaddle, John Reid, then out on 25ht. But I got no route information other than topo map regarding Larrikins to Hurricane, and link to Stone hut. Can you share your knowledge with us? Lucky77
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by normclimb
On 27 November 2010
Replies 11
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