New online home for tramping families

  • Hi all, while whipping up a little "online home" to simplify communication for the Christchurch Trailbabies, I suddenly realised that it might be interesting to also connect with tramping families outside Christchurch and around the globe, so I expanded the scope of that little project a bit. Aside from very minor cosmetic work, the result is fully functional now and ready for launch! Therefore: Anyone who is interested in learning or sharing their experiences about hiking with children of all ages from baby to teenager is invited to check out the brand new "family tramping think tank" If you like what you see, feel invited to sign up as a member and be part of it right from the start! We are looking forward to get to know you. Have fun out there! Matt for the Trailbabies
  • Hi again, just a little update for anyone who finds this here, things have changed a little: For anyone who wants to connect with other families to go on child friendly tramping trips in the Christchurch area, the best place to start would be We are a friendly local group of currently some fourty families who do small and bigger trips, and are always happy to see new faces! And for those who live anywhere else in the world, a great place to find in depth know-how, tips, tricks and stories about hiking with children of all ages, from babies to teenagers, is Just have a look around, and take it from there! Happy trails to you and your bunch! Matthias
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Forum The campfire
Started by Mariku
On 10 November 2010
Replies 1
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