Junction Tops - Cascade

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  • Greetings - just spent a nice couple days in and out to Waipakihi. Whilst there noted a sign behind hut to cascade hut (8 - 10 hrs) - has anyone done this - i'm guessing it passes over Junction Top - and eventually joins the Ngapuketarua Track (crossing some private blocks) but in between is there any track indication/markings. Any info appreciated Regards.
  • Was a few years ago when we walked through there. I dont recall it being difficult to follow then, but I do remember the scorching heat, temperatures into the 30's. In those days you didnt need a permit for access, and we broke the trip by camping at the spring near the Ngapuketerua end.A permit is required now, and camping is prohibited. I have heard the section down to Cascade is pretty awful, a huge amount of windfalls caused by snow damage a couple of years ago. Unless this has been cleared, you would have to plan for a very long day.
  • Actually I do remember the tops from Ngapuketurua to where the track starts to drop down to Cascade as being rather vague. We had been many times from Cascade to Kiko Road so wasnt an issue for us. There used to be a plastic bottle marking the spring, and faint splashes of paint on stubby manuka to mark the track. Can be a little confusing with all the deer trails about. Would really like to know how you get on, if you decide to go.
  • The problem with this route is that it is almost entirely in the Air Charter Block. See my GPX file for the boundaries http://www.tramper.co.nz/?2954 You enter the private land just before the summit of Junction Top, weave along the boundary between there are Ngapuketurua and then are entirely in the block from there to Cascade Hut. You need a permit and are not allowed to camp. Even at the best of times from Waipakihi to Cascade would be a long day. If the track is getting overgrown, which reprtedly it is, then it will be even longer. I asked Arthur Whitehead from Air Charter a year or so back if they had any plans for maintenance and his reply was "of course not". They are only interested in hunting blocks and are quite keen to discourage trampers. I submitted in the last management plan review for the Kaimanawa Forest Park that they should consider a new track from Waipakihi Hut to Kiko Rd and then to Cascade that remains entirely within the park boundaries. However, instead they are taking a "see how it goes" attitude with the permit system. Well, here we are early in the life of this new management plan and it looks like it isn't going to go.
  • I have recently been from Cascade to Kiko Rd, full day effort and the track is marked in the bush, still need good navigation skills. Also this from taupo Air charter http://www.airchartertaupo.co.nz/
  • Wooah! That throws the cat amongst the pigeons. More at http://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/national/4061827/Bush-pilot-loses-licence-to-fly-hunters-on-to-Maori-owned-land I wonder what this means for tramping access. I know Arthur and Christine were saying the alternatives were that the block may be closed completely. Hope that doesn't happen
  • Really encourage those who want tracks from one hut to another to just go and cut the tracks. It will save the huts and helps the hunters too. Then they can keep the wildlife down more easily and the huts get saved from being removed due to lack of use. As long as you use hand tools, the yogi bears won't be too annoyed.
  • But the East Taupo Lands Block is private land. How would you like someone cutting tracks right through your back yard. Also there have been situations I know of where people have taken it into their own hands to cut tracks on DOC land, much to the disapproval of other trampers and DOC. I think you have to get a consensus before you just go in and do things, that is what the Management Plan process is all about.
  • In the latest FMC newsletter it says 'FMC will be following this matter up in an effort to ensure continued access to the Kaimanawa tops.'
  • Looks like it might be time to go exploring. I am convinced there is a route from Kiko Rd to Waipakihi Hut via the Waimarino.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by mrfizz
On 8 October 2010
Replies 17
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