Queen Charlotte Track

  • Hi all Hopefully this is the right place to post this. After being inspired by my first ever tramp on the route burn track in Feb this year I am planning to walk the Queen Charlotte track (QCT) and the Heaphy track this year with some friends. I am trying to find out more info on the QCT we are carrying our own gear and camping but all the websites say that you don't need to bring much (if any) food as you run into stores quite frequently..... any one done this track / have any info on this.
  • There is a shop at Portage which sells 2 minute noodles, cheese, ice creams etc, and probably there are other places you can buy stuff too. However the selection is not going to be large and the prices likely quite high. Unless weight is a real issue, I would recommend taking most of what you need and anything you come across is a bonus. That is what we did when we walked QC, however that was close to 10 years ago and things may have changed. We did a sea kayaking trip more recently and forgot to take the food (duh!) and bought enough supplies at Portage to last us the night, but there wasn't a lot of choice of groceries.
  • Great Will prob just carry my food then, the others wanted to try and save the weight.
  • Yeah Portage is still really the only place to get food en-route. Even if you do the softer option of having your packs taken by water taxi to each campsite, you still need your own food (only if staying at lodges you don't need to bother because they have restauranty-things).
  • Hi shandz we tramped the Queen Charlotte Track in 2004 and did it the easy way. We only carried our daypack and sent the big pack on every day with the mail boat and stayed at backpacker lodgings with hot showers, cold beer, and cooked food! Nice. Tramped the Heaphy Track in 06, a nice walk, except maybe the first day uphill and not much to see. Cheers, Peter.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by shandz
On 4 October 2010
Replies 4
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