Waipakihi via Umukarikari

  • Hi - anyone been over to Waipakihi lately - just keen to know track conditions on the tops. Would like to head there this week. Thanks.
  • Well I can tell you that looking out my window now there is definitely no snow on the Umukarikari ridge, although there will probably be pockets on the shadier basins. I can't give you any more detail as it was last Labour weekend when I was up there. Suggest you give Turangi DOC office a call for the latest track conditions. The weather is fantastic - wish I could get up there.
  • Thanks Simmo for response - yeah tried doc - waiting for there guy to come back to me - Thanks though for your 'out the window view/report' - excellent stuff.
  • I was looking over that way at the weekend too and can confirm that all the snow is well gone. The old wooden snow poles that kept falling over were all replaced with new thin blue ones with an orange triangle on top about a year ago, so finding your way along there should be no problem.
  • Hi thanks pmcke - for the update as well - great stuff.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by mrfizz
On 4 October 2010
Replies 4
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