What do you eat out of?

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  • Thats like origami for beginners right. I watched a guy spend all night showing off with one piece. the only down side was having to wash the thing after dinner so he could make a cup of coffee.
  • Don't know what he was showing you but the stuff I've got is as easy as.........just pop studs together and bingo you're away...........! Supposed to be unbreakable but I'm not so sure about that, I guess time will tell. If you see that bloke again I'd give him a wide berth.......or take a book........!
  • Funny you should mention a wide berth i was doing that from the moment i met him Fortunately Waitawheta hut is quite large and he got distracted by someone else. I think what put me off was the fact that he had only one piece with multiple uses just not at the same time i rather like a hot drink with dinner not after ive eaten and washed up.
  • Know what you mean, me too......can't beat a nice cuppa with your tucker. There is a flat cup that folds out too, again very light and long lasting. I'd still take a book....just in case!!!
  • Orikaso looks interesting, however I read a review saying although it folds down flat it still takes up a lot of room? Its on special at Bivouac: http://www.bivouac.co.nz/brands/orikaso.html I think I'll just go for the Delta plate anyway: http://www.seatosummit.com/products/display/78 Thanks for the feedback. Haha all this just over a plate!
  • Not just a any plate.......your plate. I personally don't agree with their taking up any more room than anything else that lies flat when unfolded, like paper, albeit slightly heavier than a single sheet of 80gm, but each to his own and I'll stick my origami dinner service thanks.
  • The all-purpose billy. That reminds me. Tramping in the Caples, I wandered into the mid-caples hut late one afternoon. Chatting to the hut warden as I brew the billy. Gentleman that I am, I offer her a cuppa, which she accepts. We keep chatting as I absent-mindedly empty the left-over water from the billy, fill it with dog biscuits and put it down on the floor for LD. Occurred to me afterwards - not a good look! I mean - the boiling water would have sterilized the billy from the last time the dog used it ... but still!
  • Ha Ha. With LD around, you'd never need to wash your billy. I've been using a modified 2 L bucket that used to be a milk bottle but lately I've gone minimalist and eat out of the 100 g aluminium billy with a long handled plastic spoon especially designed for eating out of packets of dehy because I'm not keen on metal scraping on metal either. What were we talking about, just now?
  • @Syncop8r - I see your Orikaso and raise you a Fozzils.
  • I'm not entirely happy eating out of plastic either but as long as its made for it ("BPA free"). I didn't go for Orikaso in the end... but I found this review just now: http://www.dailyhiker.com/gear/origami-dishware/
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Forum Gear talk
Started by Syncop8r
On 14 September 2010
Replies 19
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