Which shoes or boots come close to this?

  • Hi everyone, depending on how the available models compare, I will buy either shoes or light boots soonish and would like to know if anyone can recommend specific models to match the following criteria: - light - durable - good resistance against sharp rocks in rough terrain - very flexible sole - rocks do not press through into your foot nonetheless For shoes, I'm basically looking for a trail runner that does NOT allow every rock to press into my foot through the sole but still has a highly flexible sole, and can take a serious amount of abuse. Any boots I would be interested in must be gore tex (as full leather is probably way too heavy for my taste), since I intend to use them with rain pants to walk through up to knee deep rivers and still have dry feet - all you need is tight a steel buckle strap around pants and boot shaft; you can walk up to ten quick steps before the water starts to come in. If they are not waterproof and I can't use them this way, boots don't give me any significant advantage over shoes in my opinion. So... any specific model recommendations? THANKS! Matt
  • Sorry, forgot to add the following: - good shock absorption especially at heel - good traction sole - hardwearing sole - for narrow feet THANKS! Matt
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Forum Gear talk
Started by Mariku
On 3 September 2010
Replies 1
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