Mungo hut

The Mungo is a tributary of the Hokitika River. The hut is situated on a terrace between the Mungo River and Park Stream. It is about 15 minutes walk up from the confluence which is about 2hrs above the track turnoff to the Toaroha. These days the wet weather route is not maintained so visiting this hut is not advisable if river levels are up! The upper Mungo swingbridge was pulled out in 2011 and a couple of other walkwires are long gone. The fording of the Brunswick can be tricky at normal fine weather flows but Park Stream & the Mungo River should be ok to ford unless there is lots of snow melt.

The hut is an NZFS 1960's style four bunker built in 1962. The hut doesn't get a lot of use, say 5 or 6 parties walking in a year plus a couple of fly in parties.

There are hot springs down from the hut on the TL of the Mungo River only just above the confluence with Brunswick Creek. On the TL just over 300 metres below the junction there is another hot spring.

Mungo hut Feb 2012 • By glennj. Licence: C.
Key information
Owner: DOC
Basic Hut/Bivvy
Sleeps 4
Toilet, Open fireplace
Water supply
No water
Getting there
Getting there
1/Easiest route is up the Mungo River. It is a mixture of track & riverbed & is sign posted from where the Toaroha Saddle track hits the track to Poet hut.

2/Various Park Stream routes from the Toaroha & Kokatahi. 3/ Mungo River via Hokitika Saddle from Griffiths Stream, Wilberforce.

4/Brunswick Creek via Mungo Pass from Gibson Stream, Wilberforce.

*These routes are all for serious trampers. More detailed info is available from the Permolat / Remote Huts Westland website.

This hut is unlocked and open to access.
No bookings — open access
No — open access
Mobile phone coverage
No coverage
ID 7181

About this hut

Added 11 July 2011 by glennjglennj. 7 revisions, most recently 9 April 2012 by glennjglennj.
79 views in the past year (7 per month).