Finally some definite advice for everyone that has been in email contact with us over the last few months about access on the private land administered by the East Taupo Lands Trust within the Kaimanawa Ranges. Area Manager Dave Lumley attended an East Taupo Lands Trust meeting this morning. The position is not positive for general public access. ETLT are only allowing public use of their land via aerial access and this aerial access being through their lessee Tongariro Aviation. This means no public tramping/hunting unless flown there by their licence holder. There will be no permit system such as run by the previous lessee Air Charter. This effects the track sections between Ngapuketurua and Cascade Hut,between Ngapuketura and Junction Tops (ie Waipakihi Hut), and from Oamaru Hut out to the end of the Poronui Poled Access Route, and the many 'wilderness' routes outside of the Kaimanawa Forest Park boundaries. The DOC website is being updated as soon as possible to convey this information. DOC track entrance and boundary signs will be updated asand when we are able to be areas as part of routine operations. ETLT do not intend promoting this widely such as through the media. They have said we can direct enquiries to the Trust Secretary Russell Feist 04 494 1595. Their website is