Mid Trent hut

A tidy four bunker on the TR of the Trent River. As the name suggests it is in the middle reaches of the Trent River. The hut is easily accessed from downstream if river levels are normal or low but is a more challenging proposition if travelling downstream from Top Trent hut through the gorge.

This hut is in very good condition having had a major rebuild a few years back by DOC. Well done guys, however some comments are that after the refit the table/bench is too low being more coffee table height than working height, there are no shelves & I don't recall any covered wood storage area.

The hut gets a fair amount of use being popular with fishermen, hunters & horse trekkers.

Mid Trent hut Nov 2010 • By glennj. Licence: C.
Key information
Owner: DOC
Standard Hut
Sleeps 4
Toilet, Enclosed wood/coal burner
Water supply
No water
Getting there
Getting there
1/ From Waikiti Downs Station up the Ahaura, Tutaekuri & Trent Rivers. Easy travel though plenty of river crossings. 5.5hrs+ walking.

2/ Down from Top Trent hut. This route is unmarked & untracked except for the first 5 mins from hut to river. Involves at least 50 river crossings & wading so not to be attempted if the river is up. 3-5hrs

3/ From Waikiti hut up to the saddle east of the hut & then either a descent to the lower Trent or tops travel & a descent to near Mid Trent hut.

This hut is unlocked and open to access.
No bookings — open access
No — open access
Mobile phone coverage
No coverage
ID 6104

About this hut

Added 10 November 2010 by glennjglennj. No revisions.
129 views in the past year (11 per month).