Lower Olderog biv (aka Jade biv)

This NZFS biv dating from 1957 is located on a bench well above the creek bed in the headwaters of Jade Creek. It is on the TL in the scrub zone close to lightly/unvegetated ultramafic rock screes that give reasonable access to the tussock country. Jade Creek is a tributary of Olderog Creek which in turn is a tributary of the Arahura River.

Jade Creek below the biv cuts across a band of ultramafic rock exposing reef jade and washing boulders down stream. This area has been one of NZ's major sources of jade since pre European times. There are jade miners huts closer to the creek below this biv.

Route down off McArthur Crags to Lower Olderog biv Jan 2010 • By glennj. Licence: C.
Key information
Owner: DOC
Basic Hut/Bivvy
Sleeps 2
Water supply
No water
Getting there
Getting there
1/ At the swingbridge above Lower Arahura hut cross to the TR. Boulder hop upstream to Olderog Creek then continue up Olderog Creek to the confluence with Jade Creek. Behind the derelict hut (TR Olderog/TL Jade Ck) there is a track. Follow this track upwards until soon after it emerges onto open scree then sidle down to the biv. 2/ Take the Mt Kerr track but turn off to the McArthur Crags. Drop SE off the top & descend to the biv. *More detailed information is available at the Permolat site.
This hut is unlocked and open to access.
No bookings — open access
No — open access
Mobile phone coverage
No coverage
ID 5842

About this hut

Added 17 September 2010 by glennjglennj. 3 revisions, most recently 1 February 2017 by glennjglennj.
47 views in the past year (4 per month).