Mid King Biv

Tararua Forest Park

Mid King Biv (2 bunk, mattresses, stream water) is a small biv just below the bushline at the head of Baldy Creek and directly below Mid King peak. It sleeps 2 on two mattresses - the floor is on 2 levels, so fitting three could be uncomfortable!

The hut is in mature beech, sheltered by ridges to the north and south-west. A good sheltered fire-spot lies in the lea of a boulder outside. It would make a great spot to escape to from bad weather on the tops - or just to get away from the crowds.

An unmarked, but well travelled route leads up and down the ridge just to the north of the Biv, from Mid King peak to the conflunce of Baldy and South Mitre creeks 1km from Mitre Flats Hut. A DOC sign marks the top of Mid King but the route down to the bivvy is unmarked although well worn. The remainder of the route down to baldy stream in unmarked except for occasional pink tape and is relatively easy to follow.

Mitre Flats Bridge • By OldGoat. Licence: C.
Key information
Owner: DOC
Basic Hut/Bivvy
Sleeps 2
Water supply
Natural water source
Getting there
Getting there
Mitre Flats Hut. Route (3km, 1.5-3 hrs) via Sth Mitre Creek and ridgeline

Mid King Peak. Route (1km, 30 mins) steep unmarked climb up ridgeline to peak. Onward access along ridgeline north to Tarn Ridge Hut (5km, 2-4hrs) and south to Jumbo Hut (5.5km, 2-4hrs)

This hut is unlocked and open to access.
No bookings — open access
No — open access
Mobile phone coverage
Yes, some coverage
ID 5443

About this hut

Added 17 May 2010 by madpommadpom. 3 revisions, most recently 26 July 2014 by TararuaHunterTararuaHunter.
93 views in the past year (8 per month).