Waiheke Cross-Island Walkway

Whakanewha Regional Park

  • 2 hr 15 min one way
  • Easy

Forest walk between Onetangi and Rocky Bay on Waiheke Island.

Waiheke Cross-Island Walkway: Key information
Walking time
2 hr 15 min
One way
One way
No bookings — open access
No — open access
Waiheke Cross-Island Walkway: Find it
Car park by beach, Gordons Road, Rocky Bay, Waiheke Island
The Strand, Onetangi, Waiheke Island
Sea level

This route connects Onetangi with Whakanewha Regional Park on Waiheke Island's southern coastline. But it's also a good walk in itself. Return the same way or by bus: from Omiha at the western end of Rocky Bay to Onetangi via Ostend.

From the eastern end of Onetangi Beach, walk up First Avenue and cross the grassy Pohutukawa Reserve. Cross Waiheke Road to Onetangi Forest and Bird Reserve. Follow the loop track either way, climbing to the Trig Hill exit. A grove of kauri is down a short side track near the top. Turn left at the road and continue on to the Trig Hill Reseve, with good views in all directions. Continue along the road into the winery, following the yellow-toped marker posts. The route leads down into a forest track, through taraire, kohekohe, nikau, and kanuka. Across a forest stile, the track leads into Whakanewha Regional Park. Head down the Mamaku Track under silver and black (mamaku) tree ferns to the Cascades Track (the brief loop along the creek to the left is a worthwhile diversion). Continue left to the Central Track, and follow that down to the Rua Loop Track and the beach beyond.

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ID 3755

About this track

Added 21 April 2009 by matthewmatthew. No revisions.
160 views in the past year (13 per month).