Te Urewera

Te Urewera is a large tract of remote, heavily forested land, featuring the famous Lake Waikaremoana.

View from Manuoha • By pmcke.

Te Urewera is an independent legal entity managed under the terms of the Te Urewera Act which came into effect September 2014. The land is maintained by a board representing the interests of both Tūhoe and the Crown. Te Urewera is open to the public, with tracks and facilities maintained by the Department of Conservation. 

View from Manuoha • By pmcke.

From July 1954 through to September 2014, Te Urewera was managed as a national park. National park status was rescinded as part of the Tūhoe claim settlement.

2,127 square kilometres
28 July 1954
ID 1434

About this place

Added 10 June 2006 by matthewmatthew. 6 revisions, most recently 30 October 2014 by matthewmatthew.
53 views in the past year (4 per month).