Healey Spur Feb 2014
This photo shows the last steep bit of Healey Spur before reaching the relatively easy going of Galena Ridge at around 1750m. [Healey Creek & Spur are in the Mikonui River catchment of central Westland]
Once on Galena Ridge you can access the Cropp tributary of the Whitcombe, the Tuke tributary of the Mikonui or travel south up the ridge to Mt Beaumont 2131m, the Price River & beyond.
On this trip once scaling Galena Ridge we travelled North Eastward and climbed Remarkable Peak 1790m. (an easy scramble from this direction but not others) Parts of Healey Spur were much more challenging than Galena Ridge. On the way up Healey Spur from Healey Creek Hut we were on the ridge crest all the way bar one short section but on the way back down we sidled a fair bit of the way until a deep slot forced us back to the ridge crest. The track through the bush & scrub from Mikonui Flat up Healey Spur to the tussock is currently overgrown in places.
Diane Harries took the photo of glennj.
glennj The track from Mikonui Flat up thru the bush to Healey Spur has been re cut since this visit.
11 June 2016