Cardrona - Cromwell Pack Track

  • 7 hr – 8 hr one way
  • Easy/medium

This route over the Criffel and Pisa Ranges leads from Cardrona to the Lowburn Valley. The route features golden tussock grasslands, old water races and historic musterers' huts. The route connects with the Roaring Meg Pack Track at Tuohys Saddle, near Meg Hut.

Deep Creek Hut, Pisa Range • By Briar. Licence: C.
Cardrona - Cromwell Pack Track: Key information
Walking time
1 – 3 days
7 hr – 8 hr
One way
One way
No bookings — open access
No — open access
Cardrona - Cromwell Pack Track: Find it
Tuohys Gully, Cardrona. From the Cardrona Valley Road, look for the Waiorau Snow Farm sign, and take Tuohys Gully Road. Turn right to get to Tuohys Gully.
Swann Road, Lowburn, about 3.5km from SH6.
300m – 1,420m
Altitude change 1,120m

From Tuohys Gully car park, the route is signposted as the Roaring Meg Track. It leads uphill to Tuohys Saddle (1140m). The Roaring Meg Pack Track heads off to the right, while the Cromwell Pack Track bends left to Meg Hut. 

The Pisa range from Touhy saddle • By aardvark.

 From Meg Hut, a poled route crosses tussockland and sections of water race, reaching a height of 1420m, to descend by 4WD track to the old musterers' hut, Deep Creek Hut.

Meg Hut • Standard Hut (DOC). Capacity: 8.

From the hut, a 4WD track crosses private land along Packspur Gully to come out near Lowburn.

Deep Creek Hut • Basic Hut/Bivvy (DOC). Capacity: 6.

Walking times:

  • Tuohys Gully car park to Meg Hut: 2 hours, 6.5km
  • Meg Hut to Deep Creek Hut: 2.5-3 hours, 8km
  • Deep Creek Hut to Lowburn car park: 2.5-3 hours, 10km

WARNING: the track from Deep Creek Hut to Lowburn road is closed to public access (January 2018)

ID 8882

About this track

Added 15 January 2014 by matthewmatthew. 3 revisions, most recently 19 January 2018 by BriarBriar.
64 views in the past year (5 per month).