Lake Wilmot

Lake Wilmot

the easy way.We`d finished the Pyke(or in reality,the Pyke finished with us)a few days before,so a scenic out of Milford seemed just the ticket.Fabulous flight with Gareth from Wakatipu Air,who knew his oats both as pilot & geographer.We`d camped at the bottom left of this pic,on a balmy night,enough breeze to keep our camp fire perculating,but dry,& within spitting distance of the reason we we in the Pyke-this lake.We got a few lessons on the way,met some hard cases & for me,I lost half a stone.Just shows you what happens when you stick some distance between your mudgrubbas & the cake tins.


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ID 8642

About this photograph

Added 8 July 2013 by lewshaw. No revisions.


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