Lake Wilson and the Valley of the Trolls

  • 5 hr – 8 hr return by the same track
  • Medium

Information may be incorrect: you are not viewing the latest version of this page. This version ID 13332 created 3 April 20133 April 2013 by YarmossYarmoss.

An overnight or multiday scenic diversion from the Routeburn Great Walk. The Valley of the Trolls is easily accessed from Harris Saddle and provides overnight camping for those wanting to get away from the crowds, while Lake Wison provides stunning alpine lake vistas with numerous peaks to climb.

Camping at Lake Wilson • By Yarmoss. Licence: C.
Lake Wilson and the Valley of the Trolls: Key information
Walking time
2 – 3 days
5 hr – 8 hr
Return by the same track
Return by the same track
Snow may be present into Summer in the south facing gut used to climb to Lake Wilson. An iceaxe and crampons/bootchains should be carried. Any attempt to climb Mt Erebus will require iceaxe/crampons late into summer. Grades explained
No bookings — open access
No — open access
Lake Wilson and the Valley of the Trolls: Find it
Routeburn Shelter, Queesntown end of the Routeburn track. But you could also add this trip onto a South-North walk of the Routeburn from The Divide, or from the Caples/Greenstone circuit, or even from the Five Passes route if coming over North Col.
Harris Saddle. Which direction you take from here is up to you and your plans. It is also possible for experienced parties to head north from Lake Wilson to North Col via the Serpentine Range, but that is not covered here.
1,434m – 480m
Altitude change -954m

From the Routeburn Shelter the Routeburn track is followed all the way to Harris Saddle. Being a Great Walk highway, speedy travel can be achieved. It takes about 2 hours to reach Routeburn Flats from where the track climbs up to Routeburn Falls which are reached in another hour. If this is your first time on the Routeburn it is well worth dropping off your packs and admiring the waterfall. The southern most falls can be accessed in their gorge for a chilly swim by climbing down to the river behind the helicopter pad.

ID 8531

About this track

Added 3 April 2013 by YarmossYarmoss. 17 revisions, most recently 3 April 2013 by YarmossYarmoss.
2,056 views in the past year (171 per month).