Garden Gully Stamper Battery Sept 2012
This battery which crushed quartz to enable the extraction of gold is a few minutes beyond Garden Gully hut. A track branching off the track to the mine leads to it. It was fed from the mine by aerial rope way. The battery dates from 1896 but was shifted to this site in 1905. Alluvial mining in the gully began in the late 1860's but reef gold was not found for another 25 years.
There was a mining revival in the area during the 1930's "depression years" when a gold subsidy was paid for miners to prospect & rework old areas.
After visiting the battery we used the DOC track to visit the collapsed low level mine entrance. We then spent a couple of hours looking for additional miners tracks that are no longer maintained. As a by product of this search we found four additional adits (tunnel entrances), various relics such as trolley wheels and evidence of logging for mining timber.
You can get to the Moonlight track from the Garden Gully mine site via Point 1074m