Erewhon Station - Garden Of Eden - Perth River - Whataroa

  • 5 – 7 days one way
  • Hard

Erewhon Station, McCoy Hut, Wee MacGregor Glacier, Garden Of Eden, Adverse Creek, Perth River, Whataroa

Wee MacGregor Glacier • By LawrieM. Licence: C.
Erewhon Station - Garden Of Eden - Perth River - Whataroa: Key information
Walking time
5 – 7 days
35 hr – 40 hr
One way
One way
The water level of the Upper Perth River dictates the level of difficulty Grades explained
No bookings — open access
No — open access
Erewhon Station - Garden Of Eden - Perth River - Whataroa: Find it
Erewhon Station
Whataroa Airport - North of the Town

The walk from Erewhon to McCoy Hut is easy in periods of low River flows. From McCoy Hut follow up the Clyde River on True Left ( same side as the hut) for a few hundred meters then cross to the true right in an appropriate place. The going is easy and there are plenty of campsites all up this side of the river. There is a semi rock biv near where where you will have crossed over ( easy to find). 500 meters before one nears the moraine lakes near the Clyde - Frances confluence there is a large rock garden with some good rock bivs well above the river. Before moving further up the river return to near it as otherwise you will end up on top of a large moraine wall. Cross around the moraine lakes and up the glacier rock scree keeping to the true right of the river(ice and rock)flowing from the Wee MacGregor & Colin Campbell Glaciers. Near the Colin Campbell - Wee MacGregor glacier ice/rock intersection below the bluff there is a large 'hole' of 100 M diameter. Cross into the hole and up the other side to the true left of the Wee MacGregor is the easiest. Proceed up the middle of the Wee MacGregor valley and there are 2 waterfalls visible coming off the table below the Wee MacGregor Glacier. To get onto the table either go up the creek that exits a small valley below the 2 waterfalls or go up to the area where there is a large semi-horizontal black stripe in the rock above the 2 waterfalls. Great campsite with plenty of space and water and views on fine gravel on the Eastern end of the Wee MacGregor table & free from rockfall danger at 1730M. Climb onto the Wee MacGregor glacier ( steep enough and very crevaced - ropes and ice gear essential)and ascend and then cross below the large (100M) pyramid shaped rock amongst the ice to the top of the glacier - then Perth Col and onto the Garden of Eden. There are some respectable camp sites on ice with just a tiny bit of shelter near the Perth Col. Careful navigation is required across the Garden of Eden using ice gear the whole way. Off the Garden down Adverse Creek from The Little Unknown. Adverse Creek entrance looks a bit like the entrance to the Glacier but is SW from The Little Unknown. We took the granite rocks on the true left of the waterfall - It's OK-ish and using a rope for safety is the best idea. Alternatively apparently you can get down on the true right of the waterfall as well. Descending Adverse Creek - the area is a large rock field. Eventually it flattens out and there is a moss/ grassy region with good but tight camping spots at about 1490M. At the end of this region just before it steepens up again there is a large rock biv. We kept close enough to Adverse Creek (on the true left) the whole way down - sometimes a bit away in the bush - sometimes in the river. The last 500 M before the Perth we bush bashed direct to the Perth - not following the Adverse Creek. Cross to the true left of the Perth and follow down to Scone Hut. Traveling this part of the Perth is extremely river level dependent. There are some challenging side streams to cross. At best you will need to get up into the bush to get around large rocks and if the river is high you might spend most of the way in the bush. This section is definitely seriously challenging. After Scone Hut the track is marked most of the way in some fashion. River crossing skills will again be needed. The best advice for River crossing can be found at (Page 26 Section (i) Fording Routine). I thoroughly recommend it. Interesting extra advice is contained in FMC Bulletin March 2012 # 187 Page 36

ID 7783

About this track

Added 22 March 2012 by LawrieMLawrieM. 8 revisions, most recently 7 May 2012 by LawrieMLawrieM.
88 views in the past year (7 per month).