Rapurapu Kauris Track

Kaimai-Mamaku Forest Park

  • 3 hr – 4 hr return via same track
  • Easy

An easy half day return trip to 3 Kauri Trees. The main challenge is eight crossings of the stream

Rapurapu Kauris Track • By pmcke. Licence: C.
Rapurapu Kauris Track: Key information
Walking time
3 hr – 4 hr
Return via same track
Return via same track
No bookings — open access
No — open access
Rapurapu Kauris Track: Find it
Off state highway 29
201m – 296m
Altitude change 95m

This track starts on the Matamata side of the Kaimai Summit. It is indicated by a finger sign that says "Walking Tracks"

The Rapurapu Kauris • By pmcke. Licence: C.

The track proceeds along an old 4 wheel drive track through reverting farmland before getting to the bush after about 600m. It climbs gently to a bush saddle before droping into the Rapurapu Stream. The stream has to be crossed eight times and the sign at the beginning of the track suggests that wet feet is inevitable.

After the eighth crossing the track soon arrives at the foot of a wooden stair construction. This leads to a small platform next to two Kauri Trees. A third Kauri can be viewed between these trees.

Return to the car by the same route that you came in.

ID 7625

About this track

Added 15 January 2012 by pmckepmcke. 1 revision 15 January 2012 by pmckepmcke.
53 views in the past year (4 per month).